Tally Brains

When should start investing in Share market??

Honestly speaking, anytime you can start investing with share market. But before start you must have proper knowledge of share market, how it works, how to analyse any share etc.

Sometimes we just invest in tips or recommendation of friends or mediators like DEMAT account, Media like CNBC etc. But the fact is, must listen them and start analysis and research on that shares. If you are new at share market, than never invest in companies that you don’t know. You should first learn the basic of companies, go to moneycontrol.com and check the financial positions, research and corporate actions of the company. Once you get satisfied that the company will sustain and grow better in future, you can think to invest in that. But wait, now you should learn it historical performance, like moving percentage, loss etc.

I suggest you that after R&D you should first watch the stock using Yahoo Finance for a least 5 days. This will give you a strong assumption and calculation power toward the particular share.

Now the question arise – How much money should I invest?

So, my clear advice is that don’t invest more than 20% of your liquid savings. You can further increase it to 50% as per experience and confidence.

So, start investing but never ever trust in tips and unwanted suggestions. Both are illegal and also will benefit only the person providing the tip.

Happy investing.

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