Hii Reader, today we are discussing one of the .most.promosing or confusing word that most of the Tally Trainers or computer institutes use today. That is – JOB GUARANTEE.
But the questions is, merely teaching tally is Job Guarantee or what is the criteria of the same.. As per decision by Honorable Supreme court Of India, Job Guarantee word can be used only after your affiliation and you must have some definite setup and records regarding that.
So, what is the list of setups for the same ?? Let’s see it –
1. Industry based Course module
2. Certified and practically exposed faculty
3. Records or all placement with there salary, employer, skill and promotions. Center must track the performance of student at employer
4. List of verified and Registered employers as sustainable source of new job opportunities
5. A seperate setup like HR, Personality Development trainer etc to make you Job enabled
6. More than 75% students must complete minimum 6 months term at employer
7. Salary and other benefits must be written and paid to students
There are lot more criteria, but the major part is Knowledge. If someone doesn’t provide industrial knowledge with time to time upgrade as per industry needs, your goal of learning won’t be fulfilled.
Remember that earning 2000/- per month by working for fixed time and tenure is also salary while earning 2=lac is also. But here the matter is career building. When you join some institute first focus on future not just learn with fun and get and grab any thing you are offered. Often you can see the speed of promotion and upgradation in life starts with your first job.
In very first 3 years of your professional life just give all the time to learn, learn and learn not to earn only. We always see that students try to grab job first n look towards salary not aabout future and type of organization. That may be very risky or slow stairs for future climbing.
So, be specific and think for long not short and for other counseling and suggestions contact us.